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Join Us

The choir is open to all who enjoy choral music, are keen to participate in choral singing and to improve their singing.  Much of our repertoire is drawn from the Christian church tradition, but we welcome members of all faiths and none.

Although we do not audition prospective members, there are nonetheless some pre-requisites, without which it would be difficult, if not impossible, to contribute positively to the choir, and to feel comfortable within it:

  • You must be able to sing in tune and with accurate rhythm.

  • You must be able to follow a score, so a basic ability to read music and understand musical notation (such as time signatures, note lengths) is essential.

  • The repertoire involves singing in four parts (and sometimes more), so you must be able to hold your part whilst singing against other voice-parts.  Some experience of choral singing, or singing in harmony, is therefore useful. However, if you are new to choral singing, then you are welcome to come and try us out.

We do not require members to be able to sight-sing.  To help you learn your part, you will be expected to do homework between rehearsals, and you will be directed towards online rehearsal aids.

You may find it helpful also to read our ‘LWCS Guidelines for members’ document, which can be seen here.

When the choir is full in particular voice-parts (soprano, alto, tenor, bass), we operate a waiting list, to which enquirers’ names may be added.  


What it costs: 


Subscriptions may be paid annually, termly, or (if by Standing Order) monthly.  The rates for 2024-25 are: £144/year, £48/term or £12/month.  Music is usually purchased by the Society in bulk at discounted rates, and members are generally expected to buy their scores.

Concessionary rates are available as follows:

  • Those under 30 pay 50% of the subscription rate, but are expected to buy their own scores.

  • Those in receipt of Universal Credit or other benefits designed to top up living allowances are entitled to a concessionary rate of £2.50/month and may borrow scores free of charge.

  • Others experiencing financial hardship are invited to approach the Treasurer ( in confidence, as other concessions may be possible, including borrowing scores.

Want to pursue it? If you think you’d like to join us, the first step is to contact our Chairman, giving some detail of your musical and choral experience, and arrange to come along to a few rehearsals to try us out.  You’ll receive a warm welcome, and we offer potential new members the opportunity to attend up to two rehearsals free of charge before committing.

“When I moved to Oxfordshire to live, I decided to join this choir and it was the best decision I made.  I met some very friendly people and later joined the Committee, so the choir became a very important part of my life”


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